UPDATE: I got it to work now, please see my latest blog announcement for the details
Seeing that Ubuntu 9.04 is coming up and I had installed Alpha 6 of the release, it is fair enough for me just to forewarn you that theSo for those who really needed the compatibility with Wizardpen in Ubuntu, hold your horses, stick to 8.10 (Interpid Ibex) for a while and wait until a patch is up.
OR... if you had done a fix, do share it out ;).
good to see the driver isn't completely dead.
good luck fixingit on the newer version!
The driver is working great!! I had a lot of problems with it in Hardy, but now they all seem to be fixed!!
I have a little question though...
I´m a Blender user, and Blender only detects pressure sensitivity with stylus tablets. Therefore, the only solution available was to change the device name to ¨stylus¨ in the xorg file.
Well, how would you do that with the FDI file??? Should I add a line for the device name and write ¨stylus¨ there? Should I add a device line in xorg.conf??
I'm not particular with the case of Blender, by theory, the device name can be changed, provided that you know what HAL key you have to modify.
Could you send the appropriate xorg section and highlight which option keys have to be set for it to work with Blender?
P/S: Reason I speculate that it may work is that I have bumped into the page on configuring Wacom using FDI rules here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom.fdi
Hi Felix!
Here is the original hardy Xorg from hardy:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "WizardPen Tablet"
Option "Name" "UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Driver "wizardpen"
The line that did the trick was the one that says "identifier". So it would be:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Name" "UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Driver "wizardpen"
Could you try adding this line to your FDI rule?
<merge key="input.x11_identifier" type="string">stylus</merge>
This should go among the other <merge> tags.
Thanks Felix, but it doesn't seem to work....
Blender still doesn't recognize pressure sensitivity. Furthermore, I remembered that when I had the Stylus identifier configured in Hardy, programs such as Gimp or cinepaint would tell that I had a Stylus in the Device selection dialog, so I decided to check that out. Unfortunately, they tell me that I have a UC-Logic Tablet, although I put the stylus identifier string in the FDI file as you said.
Well, lets hope something comes up!! Thanks anyway!!
Thanks:) you save me and my work.
Happy G-PenSketch owner
Got pressure sensitivity working in blender on 64bit Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)!
from: http://www.jpbouza.com.ar/ESP2/tutoriales/gnulinux/genius-tablet/id/en
I added the line:
<merge key="info.product" type="string">stylus</merge>
to the FDI file and it works nicely. I also played with a ton of other things, but I think this is the bit that made it work.
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